How do You like the Forum - let's hear some feedback!

How do You like it? The layout, colors, etc.?

I like it! Design is great, looks sleek and colors pop. Great work!


It’s great! I love the organization. A persistent NAV menu would be cool for desktop view, but let’s not get carried away with the customizations :smiley: Also, let’s see how the UI for the protocol dapp interface comes together. We may find ourselves adapting to the color scheme of the site to unify the branding. I’m stoked about what this means for our community!

I’ve made some changes - updated the logo, adjusted it for mobile devices too. I’ve changed the font to Comfortaa. Now I am slowly getting to adjust the colors.


And I’ve added some gradient to our links on top-right

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I like the updated logo at the top.

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Do you think we could add a Babelverse category to the forum to help with communication on direction and progress with the Babelverse? Or would we need to wait until a Babelverse school is created?

It is not a problem at all. Although I would expect a topic about it in the #general-discussions:babelfish category

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